Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A tragedy has befallen me. I have lost something very dear to my heart. I cannot find my Dr. Pepper chap stick. It has been missing since yesterday. My lips are burning with desire and I have nothing to quench the thirst which rages. Sure I could go to the store and get a brand new chap stick, but that would mean I had given up hope of ever finding my long lost friend. What will I do? How can my lips ever survive the devastation?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Lesson Learned

Today was my first day at school with a new haircut. I must admit I was a little nervous to go to work looking different. It is not that I necessarily care what people think but I do have the fear of being laughed at. I believe this stems from being called Afro Puff in middle school. Anyways, that is not the story of the day. My coworkers loved it which made me happy. My students had mixed reactions. It is funny, I got asked a lot today, "What happened to your hair?" Trust me all sort of sarcastic comments floated throughout my head, but I refrained until the end of the day. I was asked by a student for the billionth time, "What happened to your hair?" I told her I didn't know it just fell out while I was sleeping. She actually believed me and she said with concern in her voice, "Do you have cancer?" I appreciated her concern and let her know I had actually cut my hair. I learned today, hold in sarcastic comments around sixth graders.

Monday, December 10, 2007


I believe there comes a point in every one's life when they just need a change. I am currently in this phase. However, I am very limited in my options for change. I can't move to another place or quit my job. I can't trade my boyfriend for a hotter model. I can't grow taller and sadly I don't seem to be growing thinner. This leaves only two possible options as I see it. I can either grow incredibly fat or I can cut my hair. Being as I am chubby enough, I have opted for the latter of the two options. After looking through several pictures, I finally decided. I am of the mind if you are going to do something, you must do it well, right, and big (maybe I should say drastic here). You know what is funny, I am writing this as if I haven't already cut my hair. The truth is my drastic change happened about two hours ago. I have whacked off my luscious locks for a very short do. I do like it, but I think I should have done this just half way instead of whole heartedly. Go figure! At least it grows back and I can accessorize.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dr. Pepper

I have made another startling discovery, writing a blog post every night is going to be my next addiction. Since I have given up Dr. Pepper, I need to find something else to fill that hole in my life. Speaking of Dr. Pepper, I really wish I had some. It would taste really good right now. I can almost feel the carbonation burn down my throat. Ummmmmmmmm. So good. Even though I no longer drink Dr. Pepper, I have found another thing I enjoy just as well. Just as my taste buds crave the deliciousness my lips hunger for the feel of Dr. Pepper chap stick. This stuff is amazing. It has become my afternoon routine to put some on as soon as I sit in my driver's seat. Sadly, it is becoming a morning addiction as well. I wonder if they put caffeine in it. What ever it is which makes it so addicting, I don't care, all I know is that I need it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I must confess something rather silly. My mind has been preoccupied of late with a book I have read several times already. Are you ready? I confess I am addicted to the book Twilight. I know it is completely ridiculous but it is true nonetheless. Every time I hear the word twilight I am instantly transported into the world of Forks and vampires. There are times when I honestly wish I was Bella and I was irresistible to Edward. True, being a vampire would go against all of the things I believe in, but sometimes it is so tempting. Am I completely crazy? I know I am 26 and I should be focused on serious things such as politics, but I can't. I come home and all I want to do is live in an imaginary world. This is not the worst of it, while I am at school trying to teach lessons on Ancient Greece all that runs through my head is I wish I was Bella. I think I just realized something, I really need to get a life.

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Lucky Ring

A while ago I decided I needed some luck in my life. I wasn't sure how to do this when an idea came to me. I went into Claire's and bought the coolest ring I could find. The instant I saw this ring, I knew it would change my life. I quickly paid for it and put it on my finger. For the next half hour, nothing could touch me. I knew my life had changed. Sure enough as the days past my life was completely different. I had the privilege of turning 26, having my car brake down, and some very stressful classes. My finger has also turned green and all of my students have suddenly become crazy. As I have contemplated my fate, I know when everything turned for me. I realize now, I should have specified I wanted a good luck ring.