Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I must confess something rather silly. My mind has been preoccupied of late with a book I have read several times already. Are you ready? I confess I am addicted to the book Twilight. I know it is completely ridiculous but it is true nonetheless. Every time I hear the word twilight I am instantly transported into the world of Forks and vampires. There are times when I honestly wish I was Bella and I was irresistible to Edward. True, being a vampire would go against all of the things I believe in, but sometimes it is so tempting. Am I completely crazy? I know I am 26 and I should be focused on serious things such as politics, but I can't. I come home and all I want to do is live in an imaginary world. This is not the worst of it, while I am at school trying to teach lessons on Ancient Greece all that runs through my head is I wish I was Bella. I think I just realized something, I really need to get a life.

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