Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today started out pretty crazy for me. We got a huge storm last night and as a result I couldn't get my car out of my parking spot. It was definately a morning you wouldn't experience in LA or Laie. After I finally got to work (almost 4 hours after attempting to leave for work) I kept thinking, you need to write about this on your blog. I sat down at my computer and had this overwhelming feeling I needed to write about something else. So, here goes.

Several of my family members have blogs and as I was reading through a few of their entries, I was literally filled with love and awe for them. I don't always get along with my older brother. I can't really say why other than we rarely share the same opinion. I know it is a lame excuse but I offer it none the less. Anyways, I reading what my aunt had written about him and the spirit touched me so strongly. I know my older brother is an amazing man. He has the ability to serve others unselfishly and truly sees the good in others and the world around him. I wish I could say this about myself. Ny's wife has also shown me the adventures in the world. I remember her saying once, "Call it to you." I think of this often as I ponder the meaning and mysteries of my life. Ny and his wife have taught me to grab life and have fun with it.

The next blog I was reading was from my second brother. I feel there is a special spot in my heart for Tay. While reading his blog, I was reminded of this so profoundly I couldn't think of anything else but letting the world know. The beauty of Tay is he feels things more deeply than many others I know. I believe he can sense the needs of others and he knows how to comfort them in the right way. I know he did an awesome job as Elders Quorum Pres. How could he not? Even his blog was full of hope and openness.

My littlest brother is serving a mission for our church right now. Every week I get to read his letters and I know he is even more awesome than I could have ever suspected. He is so loving and positive. The people of Argentina could not have asked for a more Christ-like servant.

I also have a little sister. I just love her. She is 12 years younger than me and has always loved me more than I deserve. I still have notes she wrote to me when she was just learning to read and write. There is a phrase she must have heard somewhere, "I love you with all my heart." She remebered it wrong and would finish all of her letters, "I love you in all my heart." I believe she embodies this. She has given her entire heart to love for her family. I know she was chosen to be in our family so she could be my special friend. In all my heart, I love her.

What family would be complete without two parents? My brothers and sisters are stellar because of our parents. Life has handed them a bunch of lemons and they continue to make lemonade every day. There are days when I just need to hear my momita's voice and I know the world will be right again. When I want to forget my troubles I can't wait to talk to my dad. I believe I got my personality from my dad and my face from my mom. Not matter where I end up, a part of them is always with me. I am grateful every moment my Heavenly Father allowed me to have them.

I am who I am because of my family. I love them each so much! I don't know why today of all days it has hit me so profoundly, but it has. The world would be a much better place if everyone had a support system like I do. We all need family to comfort and strengthen us. We need them to put us in our place and teach us to be better. I will continue to need and love my family until eternity ends.

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