Friday, July 18, 2008

It is Done!

Today was a very big day for me, I have officially completed my Master's Degree.  All of my assignments have been graded and turned in, plus each of my classes if finally over.  I am very excited by done, but also sad at the same time.  I realized today I won't be seeing my fellow students again for a very long time, if ever.  They really got me through the difficult moments by commiserating with me about teachers and assignments.  It is wonderful that seemingly different people are able to come together and become bonded over a common experience.

My other thought is wow, I have just achieved a life long goal, what do I do now?  What I have really enjoyed about the program is that I have been working towards a specific goal that had a definite beginning and an end date.  I knew exactly what I needed to do in order to make it to the end and I could even see the end.  I wish all of my other goals could be as clear cut.  Such is life!

I am excited though because it means I can finally move on.  I am really looking forward to moving in the next few weeks and starting a whole new life close to my family.  (I couldn't have completed my program without them either.  My dearest Momita listened to many complaints and edited papers for me. )  I am just sitting here realizing, I really have accomplished something wonderful, and it feels amazing!

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