Monday, October 24, 2011


I think my whole life has been spent trying to be what others expect me to be.  I find I don't say what I really think in case that might alter someones perception of me.  I keep my opinions to myself to avoid arguments.  I apologize for things I am not even sure I should apologize for to make peace when I reality I am the one hurting.  I wonder who I would be if I hadn't trained myself to be this person.  I guess the question really is, do I let myself be free of this facade and let the bricks fall where they may or do I hang on to what I know and find peace in the place I have created? 

I have recently been contemplating change.  I feel there is so much of myself that needs to change, but I don't know how.  I don't want to be stuck in this rut.  It seems to be a vicious cycle filled with the same thoughts and actions.  I know change is hard, but I know I must.  I think change brings growth and perspective, which I am in desperate need of.  I feel like a 30 year old stuck with a high school mentality when I really want to be 30 flirty and thriving.  So how do I get there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Change is hard and can be frightening. But it can be FUN as well! If you want to change, start with one or two things and have a PLAN. What are you going to change, when, how drastically? Once you've decided, then make yourself a script so when people ask, "what in the world are you doing?" you'll already know what to say. Most importantly, stop caring what other people think! Would YOU care if someone else suddenly changed as you're considering?? Not as much as you think others will!

Have FUN!