I have been thinking about a conversation I had with someone in class today. It started off pretty standard, you know where are you from, which led to my family no longer being in Southern California, moving to Washington, etc. She then asked where my ideal place would be to live and I said I was still looking. Then came the next question/statement you don't really like Utah and of course my response. I should learn not to be surprised by this next question, are you LDS? I said I was and she was like wow you don't fit the mold, you must find it hard to fit in here. (The classmate I was talking to is also LDS) I told her I did and I also told her that she wasn't the first to seem surprised I was LDS. She said it must be my aura.
I am not offended, I am just confused. So many people have been surprised that I am LDS and I really don't get why they are shocked. I don't swear, drink alcohol or coffee, I don't smoke, I dress modestly, I am temple worthy, in my mind I am obviously LDS but not to others. I wonder what vibe do I really give off? I don't want to be a "Utah Mormon" but I want to set a good example of a Latter-day Saint.
Even though somehow my looks, actions, attitude suggest otherwise (which still baffles me) I want to state that I have a testimony of the gospel. I may struggle like most humans do, but my faith and devotion to the truth has never wavered. I love the gospel and do my best to live the principals I have been taught. I guess I just don't get it.
You know, Leo, you're one of the most amazing examples of what it means to live a life that identifies you as one belonging to the Savior that I have ever seen. It's because you're in Utah and they expect you to be a Utah Mormon. Don't give in. They're the weird ones, not you. I love you!!
Thanks Tay, I love you very much!
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