Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fatal Attractions

Why do people want to own dangerous creatures? Maybe I am just a whimp or always fear the worst, but it just seems like an accident waiting to happen. It just seems that no matter how "cute" a wild animal is, they will eventually act on their natural instinct.

I used to want a pet monkey, but after watching this show on Animal Planet, "Fatal Attractions," I think I would be crazy to do that. Sure they're cute especially in little people clothes, but I don't think I want to own something that would rip my face off. Crazy, I just don't get the appeal!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mosiah 27

I just read Mosiah 27, and was reminded how much I love the story of Alma Jr. and the sons of Mosiah. Their story is so inspiring to me because they were the vilest of sinners and through the Atonement, they turned their lives around. It reminds me that I can make mistakes but be forgiven and in turn do good things. I also love that they are known for their good deeds and not their bad ones. Yes we know they made mistakes, but because they repented our focus in on all the good they did in the world. I think the Atonement is so amazing and this story is the perfect example of how to come unto Christ and use the gift which He has freely given.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I can't believe another year has come and gone. Last year at this time I was preparing to move to Utah and begin a new adventure. At the time I had no idea what awaited me, it anything. I have been so richly blessed this year. Through the goodness of Heavenly Father, I found the perfect job a few weeks after moving here. I found a great apartment in a ward that I actually like. I got a new car (Herbert), moved back in with Amanda, and have my first "big" calling. Who would have thought?

While I am grateful for all of these things, I am more grateful for my family. They are the people who help me through every day. They remember what is going on in my life and ask how it is going. They are my cheerleaders and I love them very much! I am so happy they are here celebrating the birth of our Savior with me.