Monday, January 10, 2011

Morning Commute

While commuting (I feel so adult) to work this morning, I was listening to a book on tape. This particular book is by an LDS author, I think the series is The Great and Terrible. (Side note, I don't typically read this type of book, but a friend had all of the CD's and handed them to me before I knew what I had agreed to listen to.) Anyways, this morning in the story, one of the main characters was wondering around lost in a storm in the mountains and in the moment when she was about to give into to her despair her father appeared (he had recently been killed) and put his arms around her to lift her up. It made me think of the times I have felt my Heavenly Father's arms around me, lifting me up and giving me the courage to fight on. I also had to wonder how many times I have been oblivious to those comforting arms. This morning I was reminded in an unexpected way that I am loved and my Heavenly Father has his arms around me. He is and has lifted me up and because of this I can go on and find my way.

1 comment:

Duck said...

Beautiful story. I am very touched. Almost started weeping. Thank you for the reminder to pay attention to the Arms.